Spielfeld Team

Anna Ohlsen-Mangold
Managing Director
Fazlu Dawood
Managing Director
Paul Vogel
Head of Finance & Operations
Claudia Klune Pereira
Head of Events, Learning Program Curation
Kiera Senst
Head of Marketing & Communications, Equal Opportunity & Inclusion Officer, Climate Officer
Laura Stockhaus
Head of Office Management
Kim Mangala
Team Lead Office Management
Leroy Wiedenhöft
Location Manager
Stefan Garrido Martin
Location & Office Manager
Aaliyah Wille
Office Manager
Vinzenz Vu
Senior Event Manager
Sascha Di Carlo
Senior Event Manager
Sarah Thiel
Event Manager
Gina Kubiak
Project Manager
Jan Lessmann
Hospitality Manager
Maria Midence
Social Media & Content Specialist
Nele Brünings
Service Team
Liv Wachter
Service Team
Alma Quetin
Service Team

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Björn Bloching
Senior Advisor, Roland Berger
Per Breuer
Senior Partner, Global Managing Director, Head of Global Human Resources, Roland Berger
Tobias Czekalla
Country Manager Germany, Visa
Dr. Jochen Ditsche
Senior Partner Digital, Roland Berger
Stephen McCue
Vice President, Commercial Law, Visa

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